14 de abril de 2013

Earth, a solar system planet- 1st ESO


In this unit you will learn...

  • Ordinal and cardinal numbers.
  • The Earth's movements.
  • Time Zones.
  • Reason of seasons.
  • Cardinal points.

Are you ready? Let's go!!! Open your books on page 14 and read the text about this topic.

The decline of the Roman Empire- 2nd ESO


Read the following text and answer the questions:

1.  The decline of the Roman Empire

            The Romans created a great empire around the Mediterranean Sea. Under Emperor Trajan (98-117) the empire reached the British Isles and the Danube and Rhine rivers in Europe, the River Tigris in Asia, and the Sahara desert in Africa.
Germanic tribes lived to the north of the Roman Empire. The Romans called them barbarians (foreigners). The empire’s wealth and military weakness led to a series of Germanic migrations across the frontier. Some of these were violent invasions.
Roman control over its northern territories gradually declined after the third century. In 395, Emperor Theodosius divided the empire between his two sons to make it easier to defend. Thus, the western and eastern provinces became the Western Roman Empire, with its capital in Rome, and the Eastern Roman Empire, with its capital in Constantinople.
Romulus Augustulus, the last emperor of the Western Empire, was deposed in 476. For some historians, this date marks the beginning of the Middle Ages.
???1. -What was the first meaning of barbarian? Was it a Latin word? What does it mean today?
     2.Learn and make sentences with the following words: wealth, tribe, reach, barbarian, weakness

9 de abril de 2013

Si queréis saber más sobre la Revolución Rusa y ver muchas más imágenes, pinchad en el siguiente enlace:

7 de abril de 2013


Aquí tenemos algunos de los protagonistas de este nuevo tema que trataremos en clase:
                                                   1. La familia Romanov


                                                               2.El zar Nicolás II 

3. El célrebre Rasputín

3. Lenin

4. Stalin

Actividad inicial

¿Qué te sugieren las frases publicadas anteriormente? Redacta brevemente tu opinión sobre las mismas

3 de abril de 2013

"La Historia sirve para comprender el mundo en que vivimos y cómo el mundo que nos redea  ha llegado a ser lo que es. La Historia nos concierne e involucra a todos. Y todos tenemos nuestra historia, todos hacemos historia, incluso todas las cosas tienen historia."

2 de abril de 2013

La Historia nos ayuda a conocer el pasado para comprender el presente y evitar errores en el futuro.